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发布时间:2023-05-08   作者:   来源:   点击数:2963










【社会公益】 医院多年来与消防、公安、高校、社会团体、企事业单位等50余家单位开展合作,先后建立心理咨询师培训与实习基地、高校学生心理健康援助中心、妇女儿童家庭婚姻咨询中心、征兵心理检测培训与指导中心、芜湖市心理救援中心等,并开设芜湖市心理热线,为促进百姓心理健康、构建和谐社会做出了重大的贡献!


【荣誉称号】医院秉承“厚德精医、博爱至善 、创新超越 、求实奉献”的精神,围绕“科技兴院、人才强院、服务立院,着力打造百姓满意、社会信赖、员工幸福的全国知名精神卫生中心”这一发展目标,励精图治,开拓创新,硕果累累,先后获得全国三八红旗集体、全国改善医疗服务示范医院、全国和谐医院、全国百家百姓信赖的精神卫生机构、全国人文医院文化建设典型单位、安徽省先进基层党组织、安徽省文明单位、安徽省职工职业道德建设标兵单位、安徽省健康促进医院、芜湖市先进基层党组织、芜湖市“五一”劳动奖状,芜湖市十佳文明窗口、芜湖市无红包医院等80余项光荣称号。





 【General information】Founded in 1969, the Fourth People's Hospital of Wuhu (the predecessor of the Mental Hospital of Wuhu) lies at the Wuxiashan East Road, Yijiang District, Wuhu, and is the only class III psychiatric and hygiene hospital in the South Anhui and Wanjiang districts which is able to treat psychological and mental illnesses and integrates medical care, education, scientific research, recovery, disease prevention and cure, and judicial authentication. The hospital covers an area of 80,000 m2 (including the General Hospital in Wuhu and the Nanlin branch), has a building area of 45,000 m2, and provides a total of 1000 beds. The psychiatrist section of the Anhui Physicians Association, the Wuhu Psychological Society, the Wuhu Sleep Study Association, the psychiatry branch of the Wuhu Medical Association, the clinical and counseling psychology branch of the Anhui Psychological Society, and the Wuhu Psychiatric and Hygiene Guidance Center are all attached to the Fourth People's Hospital of Wuhu which is also the initiator of the 2nd Psychiatric and Hygiene Treatment Alliance of Anhui. The psychiatry branch of the hospital enters the List of the Medical Care and Hygiene Priorities during the 13rd Five-year Plan of Anhui. The psychology team was awarded a title of "5111" Innovation Team of Wuhu (batch 2) in 2014. The psychology branch of the hospital is also a key medical department in Wuhu. The hospital, the only psychiatric and hygiene hospital in Aunhui, has engaged in the construction of the "Trial City of National Comprehensive Management of Psychiatric and Hygiene” project with outstanding achievements. During a discussion and eva1uation activity on government administration working style which is participated by ten thousands of people and thousands of enterprises in Wuhu, the hospital has been ranked number 1 for six consecutive years in terms of service satisfaction in the hygiene and birth control field.

【Staff construction】There is a total of550 special technicians, including over 30 staffs with senior professional post, over 30 associate professors and professors, 2 doctors, nearly 25 masters, and 15 master supervisors.


【Medical technique】The hospital features powerful technical resources and has over 10 professional departments covering psychiatry, psychology, psychosis recovery, geriopsychosis, jurisdictional identifications of mental diseases, diagnosis center of sleep disorder, and research and intervention center of psychological crisis. Besides, the hospital provides 5 acute disease treatment zones, 5 patient recovery zones, 1 geriatric zone, 1 open patient treatment zone, 1 occupational and recreational therapy zone, and 1 zone for children with psychological problems. It integrates over 10 special therapy areas including schizophrenia, disturbance of emotion, drugs and alcohol dependence, sleep disorder and neuroses, eating disorder, psychological medicine for children, teenagers and the elderly, mental rehabilitation, psychotherapy, psychological consultation and assessment, research and intervention of psychological crisis, and jurisdictional identifications of mental diseases.


【Education and Scientific Research】The hospital is attached to the Bio-X center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, serves as an educational base for Anhui Medical University, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Wannan Medical College, Bengbu Medical College and Anhui Normal University, and also assumes the responsibility of cultivating master students for Wannan Medical College and Wannan Medical College. During the development of the hospital, it always adheres to the philosophy of improving itself by scientific education and talents. Since 2014, it has dispatched several staffs to go to Italy, Germany, USA, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other areas for exchange and further study. It also has begun to cooperate with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Columbia University and University of Aberdeen in the study of schizophrenia gene genetics since 2006. In 2010, it became a subsidiary unit of the Bio-X center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and created the "Workshop of Helin, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences" at the same year. In 2012, it became the first "Academician Workstation" in Anhui upon the approval of the Anhui Science and Technology Agency. The hospital undertakes two international cooperative scientific research projects, one key project assigned by the National Science Foundation, and three items from the "National 863 Project". It also has undertaken one province-level science & technology program and four city-level science & technology programs since 2013, including two key programs. 

【Public welfare】 The hospital has cooperated with over 50 units (including fire prevention, pubic security, universities, social communities, enterprises and government institutes) for many years to establish a training and practice base of psychological counselors, a mental health assistance center for university students, a consultation center focusing on women, children, family and marriage problems, a training and guidance center for psychological test on recruits, the Wuhu Psychological Salvation Center and so on in order, and also has set the Wuhu Psychological Therapy Hotline, all of which contribute a lot to the improvement of citizens' mental health and the construction of a harmonious society.  


【Honorary title】Adhering to the philosophy of maintaining good morality, applying outstanding medical techniques, loving and being kind to our patients, pushing innovations and going beyond ourselves, and being practical and dedicated, the hospital has, with the purposes of improving ourselves by science & technology and talents and service and becoming a nationally-known psychiatric and hygiene treatment center that is satisfied by citizens, trusted by society, and supported by its staffs, worked hard and therefore awarded over 40 titles including the National March 8th Excellent Team Award, the National Model Hospital Award with Improved Medical Service, the National Harmonious Hospital Award, One of the 100 Chinese Excellent Psychiatric and Hygiene Institutes Trusted by Citizens, the Civilized Unit Award of Anhui, the Model Unit Award of Anhui for Staffs' Professional Ethics Construction, the Anhui Health Promotion Hospital Award, the Excellent Grass-roots Party Organization Award of Wuhu, the "May 1st" Labor Prize of Wuhu, One of the Most Excellent Ten Quality Service Windows of Wuhu, and the Red-Packet-Free Hospital of Wuhu.


   At present, the hospital is implementing the talent strategy and working hard to better itself by applying advanced science, technology and education approaches and enhancing its own specialties, with the purpose of making a great leap forward, breaking new ground and achieving further development. All of the medical and care staffs are gathering strength and working hard to achieve the aim of building a modern professional psychiatric and hygiene Institute that is ranked top in Anhui and even known in the world, based on its doctrine of "kindheartedness, dedication, specialism and helpfulness.

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